Web Details


The web port is the port used to bind the Eternal Jukebox to the network. If you don't know what this is, it's safe to leave at 8080.
The web root is the relative file path to serve static content from. This is the directory that the Eternal Jukebox will serve the web files from. In most cases, it's safe to leave this as 'web'.

Spotify Credentials

Required for audio analysis

Spotify is the web service that powers the analysis for the Eternal Jukebox.
Most setups will require this, you should only skip this if you know what you're doing!
To obtain these values:

  • Go to the Spotify Developer Dashboard and either log in or sign up
  • To create a new app:
    • Click "Create a Client ID"
    • Fill in the name and description, and click 'Website' for "What are you building?". Click 'Next' when you're done
    • Click 'No' when asked if you're developing a commercial integration (unless your setup is commercial, in which case those fields will need to be filled out personally). Click 'Next' when you're done
    • Read the Developer Terms of Service, Branding Guidelines, and Privacy Policy for Spotify, then check the agreements and then click 'Submit'
  • Otherwise, click on the app you want to use
  • Copy the value listed as 'Client ID', and paste it below
  • Click 'Show Client Secret', then copy the value listed as 'Client Secret', and paste it below

Audio Analysis


Audio Analysis is what breaks down the beats for a song, and is responsible for creating the branches used to loop a song.
Currently, Spotify is the only supported analysis method by default, however 'nodes' are also supported for more advanced users.

Audio Retrieval


Audio Retrieval is the service responsible for searching out viable audio, and then downloading it, when given track info.
Currently, Youtube is the only supported retrieval method by default, however 'nodes' are also supported for more advanced users.

Data Storage


Data Storage is used to cache data locally to prevent long wait times for songs. Without it, data would need to be requested from our analyser and our audio retriever every time someone loaded a song.

There are four options for each bucket of storage.
  • Disabled
  • Local
  • Google Cloud
  • External Node
Disabled is for when you don't want to store, or cache, files of a certain type.
Local is the default. This is where the files are locally stored on your computer, and are served by the Eternal Jukebox.
Google Cloud stores the files in a Google Cloud folder. The files are uploaded, and then a redirect is served. This allows data to persist without needing to be reuploaded each time. See Google Cloud.
External Node is for when you want to offload file storage to another Eternal Jukebox instance. See External Nodes.


Required for popular listings, short URLs, and profiles

A database is used to store records detailing popular listings, short URLs, and profiles.
If a database is not provided, these features will be disabled. Currently, MySQL and embedded databases are supported, however 'nodes' are also supported for more advanced users.