What Happened

As many of you know, certain services of mine are currently experiencing downtime.
These services include the Eternal Jukebox, Jenkins, my Maven domain, as well as a few other miscellaneous sites and features.

The announcement I sent out was intentionally vague, as I've been trying to work out exactly how to word this, and how to work around it.
However, it's time to put everything on the table, as to what has happened, and why it's happened.

The services I run all use Google Cloud services, hosted in a variety of locations (Primarily US based as that's where I get most of my traffic).
This includes the compute engines for Jenkins and the Eternal Jukebox, the Cloud SQL server for the Eternal Jukebox and SPIRAL, as well as Cloud Storage for all of my projects.
These have all been paid for by me, and while it's put strain on me I was prepared to burden that due to starting these projects for others, rather than personal gain.
However, that is no longer feasible.

Over the last two months, life has not been too nice to me, unfortunately. Costs are slightly higher, while money has been a lot tighter.
There's been personal stress, issues with education, and more. A whole variety of problems have come up that have made development difficult, and has cut funding a bit short.

Two days ago, shortly before I made the announcement on the SPIRAL and Eternal Jukebox servers, I received a notice that my Google services had been suspended.
This is why the announcement was sent out, and why services ceased functioning shortly prior.

List of services that stopped functioning:

What's Being Done

While I am working to pay off the unpaid invoice now, moving forward the financial stability of these services is uncertain.
It's sooner than I'd like, but I have set up a Patreon account here to try and community fund the lifetime of these services where possible.
I fully intend to keep developing projects and continue work on them as long as I can, and where possible I will try and keep services online. At the end of the day, almost all my work is public on Github, so even past the point of a service not being runnable for a while, people are free to host their own.

In addition, if you'd rather make a one off donation, you can do that here.
As an alternative to PayPal, feel free to use Ko-fi;

If flat out donations aren't quite your style, I am open to doing commissions, contact me either on Discord at UnderMybrella#4076 or at undermybrella at abimon.org.
If you can't/don't want to contribute, that's fine too, don't worry about it. This is designed to be a suppliment where needed, and I'll do everything I can personally to keep this running.

The Eternal Jukebox

Currently, of all the services the Eternal Jukebox is the only one running at the moment. The reason for this, is that I'm running a copy locally on my computer, which is far from ideal for a few reasons.
Firstly, Australian internet isn't the best, which means response times are not going to be ideal, as both my speed is limited and bandwidth is too. If I get too many requests, I won't be able to run it for long.
Secondly, due to me using my computer and having to move it, I can't guarantee the site will always be up. Processing should be a little faster, but speed and uptime are going to take a hit. There's no way to work around that at this time.
Running the server locally in a tower is another option if it comes to it, but internet speed is a big concern, especially considering some of the traffic the site was receiving earlier.

To summarise

I don't know how long the services will be offline for. It highly depends on my financial situation, how things go in my personal life, and how quickly I can sort everything out.
I ask for your patience most of all, so that these services can be restored in due time, I hope.
I thank you for your patience, and for reading this. Hopefully this will be just a slight detour in the lifetime of these services.
- Isaac